Hi, my name is Daria, I am an artist working with ceramic, textile and glass.

  After education in Moscow Art and Industry Institute I worked as costume designer in different theatre and music projects. At this time I also created my own clothes line from natural fabrics “Herbarium”.

  My work with ceramics starts in childhood. It become one of the way to implement the idea of returning to the nature and saving impressions through the things surrounds us in a daily life.

 Inspired by Japanese aesthetics wabi-sabi I prefer to use natural forms, textures and colours. I'm looking for the new forms of expression and work with different materials. I create mosaics, stained glass objects and clothes. I like to play with materials and techniques.

 In last six years were opened two online shops named "HerbariumCeramics", where people from all over the world can enjoy my works. My teapots and home decorations were saved in European and American personal collections.

  Currently live and work in Munich, Germany.